W15: New ways of faith
How can people live community in faith and thus shape the culture of the Church in a new way? “The Other Thursday” and #onfire are two examples of the culture of spiritual awakening in the Diocese of Hildesheim. In the workshop, these and other ways of trying out new steps on faith journeys with people today will be presented and experienced.

Dr. Julia Niemann
Dr Julia Niemann (Dr phil., born in 1980) works as project coordinator of the Godehard Year 2022-2023 in the Diocese of Hildesheim. For this year, she bundles, networks and highlights projects and initiatives that serve the inner renewal of the diocese. As an art historian and liturgical scholar, she is also passionate about sacred spaces and their use and transformation.

Christian Schramm
Christian Schramm (PD Dr. theol., Jahrgang 1977) ist mit Herz und Seele Bibelwissenschaftler und arbeitet als Referent für Glaubenswege im Bistum Hildesheim. Mit Leidenschaft und fränkischem Charme lotet er mit Menschen (neue) Glaubenswege aus, sucht Schätze des Wortes Gottes für uns heute und hat dabei immer die frohe Botschaft im Gepäck.