W4: Testing & measuring*
How do we measure if we are successful? Does our project work? Does it reach those we wanted to reach? Is it having the effect we expected or hoped for? The workshop will provide practical ways of pastoral (self-)evaluation.

Arnaud Join-Lambert
Dr Arnaud Join-Lambert (*1968) is married and has three children. He holds a doctorate in theology (University of Fribourg in Switzerland) and is a professor at Université Catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) in Belgium. He teaches practical theology and liturgy. He is director of EcclesiaLab. His research focuses on the transformation of congregations and the priesthood, as well as new forms of Christian presence and mission in society. He was a theological expert for the Provincial Council of Lille and for several diocesan assemblies and synods in France, Belgium and Germany. He is a member of the Methodological Commission for the Roman Synod of Bishops on Synodality.

Veronika Eufinger
Veronika Eufinger, born in 1984, works as a sociologist of religion at the Centre for Applied Pastoral Research (zap) at the Ruhr University Bochum. Her work focuses on the creation and implementation of research designs for quantitative and qualitative social and evaluation research in the Church. Her current projects cover the topics of pastoral evaluation, Church engagement and the World Church. Her dissertation on urban Church spaces in Germany and the USA is being written at Centre for Religious Studies in Bochum.