W5: Brand & Advertising
How do we reach new people? If new people are to be addressed, we have to make sure that they hear about our project, remember it, like it and develop the willingness to participate in it. The workshop provides useful tools for brand building and advertising conception.

Ursula Hahmann
Ursula Hahmann studied business administration with a focus on marketing. She is the managing partner of the communications agency XIQIT GmbH and develops both conceptual and practical advertising. As a partner in the cooperation Hahmann & Dessoy, she mainly advises church actors.
Together with others, she has tried out in practice in the congregation Zeitfenster Aachen on how it can be possible to orientate the design of church forms of expression towards addressees. She is also a co-organiser of the Aachener Innovations- und Gründertrainings für pastorale Mitarbeiter:innen (Aachen innovation and start-up training for pastoral staff), a member of the editorial board of the magazine futur2, a co-initiator of #liebegewinnt, a member of the support group of the Missionale of the EKiR, a member of the synodal assembly “Der Synodale Weg” (The Synodal Way) and a co-organiser of the Strategy Congress.